A lot of international students and new immigrants in Canada take up part-time jobs or do odd jobs to support themselves while studying or settling down in the country. In this blog post, we will discuss the impact of such jobs on their lives and the Canadian economy.
Positive impact
Working in Canada can have a positive impact on the lives of international students and new immigrants. Many of them come from countries where job opportunities are limited, and working in Canada can provide them with valuable work experience and improved financial stability. Moreover, working in Canada can help them improve their language skills and build social connections, which can be beneficial in the long run.
Negative impact
However, there are also negative impacts of working in Canada for international students and new immigrants. Some students may prioritize their jobs over their studies, which can affect their academic performance. Moreover, working in low-paying jobs can be frustrating and demotivating, which can lead to mental health issues. Additionally, some employers may take advantage of the vulnerability of international students and new immigrants by exploiting them and paying them less than the minimum wage.
Impact on the Canadian economy
The impact of international students and new immigrants on the Canadian economy is significant. They contribute billions of dollars to the Canadian economy every year through tuition fees, taxes, and consumer spending. Moreover, their work helps to fill labor shortages in various sectors, such as hospitality, retail, and agriculture. However, the exploitation of international students and new immigrants by some employers can have a negative impact on the Canadian economy by reducing the quality of work and creating unfair competition for Canadian workers.
In conclusion, working in Canada has both positive and negative impacts on international students and new immigrants. It is important for them to balance their work and studies and to know their rights as employees. Moreover, it is important for employers to treat international students and new immigrants fairly and to pay them a fair wage. By doing so, we can create a more inclusive and prosperous Canadian society.