

Australia has always been a popular working destination for people around the world. However, before planning your stay in Australia, it is essential to understand the visa requirements and regulations. In this blog post, we will provide detailed information about the duration of work for Australian work visa holders, the possibility of extending or changing the visa.

Duration of Work for Australian Work Visa Holders

The duration of work for Australian work visa holders depends on the type of visa they have. The most common Australian work visa is the Subclass 482 Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) visa, which allows visa holders to work for up to four years in Australia. However, the duration of work can vary depending on the occupation, employer, and visa conditions.

The Subclass 457 visa, which was replaced by the TSS visa, allowed visa holders to work for up to four years in Australia. However, existing 457 visa holders can still work for up to four years, and can also apply for an extension of up to four years.

Other work visas such as the Subclass 186 Employer Nomination Scheme visa and Subclass 187 Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme visa can allow visa holders to work in Australia for an indefinite period. However, these visas have stricter eligibility criteria and require sponsorship from an Australian employer.

Possibility of Extending or Changing the Visa

The possibility of extending or changing the visa depends on the type of visa the applicant holds. Visa holders can apply for an extension of their TSS visa, but they must meet the eligibility criteria, including the Genuine Temporary Entrant requirement.

Visa holders can also apply for a new visa if they meet the eligibility criteria. For example, TSS visa holders can apply for a permanent visa under the Employer Nomination Scheme or the Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme. However, these visas have strict eligibility criteria, and applicants must meet all the requirements to be eligible.

In conclusion, Australian work visa holders can work for up to four years, depending on the type of visa they hold, occupation, employer, and visa conditions. Visa holders can also apply for an extension or change of their visa, depending on their eligibility. Before planning a stay in Australia, it is essential to understand the visa requirements and regulations to avoid any unexpected situations.

Keywords: Australia, work visa, duration, extension, change.
